I used to teach Computer Science for UNSW at ADFA, mainly computer graphics, user-interface construction, and advanced Java programming, as well as numerical analysis. Earlier I worked for CSIRO in the Division of Computing Research, CSIRONET, and the Division of Information Technology. I still do occasional programming in PostScript, Java and PHP.
I now teach English as a volunteer to migrants, visitors and refugees.
In retirement, I have published a few books which are freely available as PDF files from the National Library of Australia. I can provide hardcopy versions for the cost of printing and postage:
The Erbacher Family in Australia, 1st edition http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-684860670
The first Erbacher family migrated to the Darling Downs in 1855. They prospered and this book lists 1,000 of the descendants of that original family in Australia, showing how they are interrelated, and includes biographical material about many of them.
Leonard Peter Erbacher MM http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-726599629
My grandfather was a widely respected member of the Toowoomba community. He served in the army in both world wars and was decorated and promoted after his first engagement. This short book talks about his war experience and his life in the community.
The Erbacher Family in Australia, 2nd edition, coauthored with Sandra Crawford http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1232031265/
The second edition of this book lists more than 1,600 descendants of the original family and corrects some errors pointed out by readers of the first edition.
Lois Berghofer: My Life http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2120103252
Lois was my aunt and born an Erbacher. Although she has no living descendants, her book is of wider interest than family because of its first-hand description of life on the outskirts of Toowoomba in the 1920s and 1930s, and of farming on the Darling Downs in the 1940s and 1950s.
The Erbacher Family in Australia, 3rd edition, coauthored with Sandra Crawford nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2821139557/
The first Erbacher family migrated to the Darling Downs in 1855. They prospered and this edition lists 2,400 of the descendants of that original family in Australia, including spouses. It also shows how they are interrelated and includes biographical material about many of them. This edition also includes photos of some of the earliest family members.
Reflections on the Support for Refugee Families at North Belconnen Uniting Church http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2890772952
Refugee support was provided by North Belconnen Uniting Church from 1980 until 2004 through a period of varying attitudes by government towards refugees. This report discusses the families we helped and cultural issues we encountered. The arrival of a new family started a very intense but rewarding series of activities which are outlined. The report looks at the aspirations of the refugees and shows some of the outcomes for the families: the successes, the tragedies and the frustrations.